Can Rami Malek Act? (3 min read)
Last month, I watched the movie, Shang Chi and Dune after signing up for the club membership of a local cinema because I figured out that going to the movies was the only fun activity I could do in this pandemic situation.
There was really no time to die nor waste since I am committed in using my special priced movie tickets in the coming months. Coincidentally, the last Bond movie starring Daniel Craig and Rami Malek just hit headlines on the internet. So make a clever guess as to which next movie I caught at the cinema.
I was curious to see the villainy role of Rami Malek as Safin in the "No Time to Die" movie. This time, he had to wear a scarred face for his role. Is it stereotyping when villains have to sport scars to be the bad guy? I have talked about scars in my earlier blog and I find scars on a face fascinating. Do you find scars interesting?
First to answer the question if Rami Malek could act and I would think so. He won an award playing the legendary Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody. Looking at his day master which is Yang Metal, I am most convinced that he is good at what he does which is acting.
I would think that playing the role of Freddie Mercury for Rami Malek is akin to seeing himself undergo the casting process where he becomes the desired shape from molten metal. This is the growth process for a person with Yang Metal day master which Rami Malek has.
Interestingly while Daniel Craig played the good guy and Rami Malek played the bad guy, there was Yin and Yang polarity in the movie, "No Time to Die".
I enjoyed the parts in the movie when Safin appeared and he was a nasty piece of good metal.
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