Words by Boyzone

Words by Boyzone (2 min read)

I was listening to the radio yesterday and these few words struck me.

"It's only words, And words are all I have, To take your heart away"

It seems like the lyrics fitted for a sentimental ballad but is life not like this too? When we have to deal with people all the time even for a person working with only gadgets?

This leads me to talk about the Chinese element, Yi (δΉ™)or Yin Wood.

Do you see this character in your Bazi chart? If you have this anywhere in your chart, you should leverage on it and work with words to take people's heart away. This character if you have in your Bazi chart means that you have the ability to be eloquent and use words to your best advantage. Say the things that people like to hear and influence them. When I first learnt Bazi, I found it hard to remember all the traits of each element and realise that it was challenging.

So I picked a useful trait and associated with the element. When I talk to my inner circle who also know Chinese metaphysics, we use this character a lot. A common question about people to people relations is often "to Yi" the person which really means to use words and take the person's heart away".

I have been so busy with work that I recently got back here. Hope my fans are still with me here!


Image credit from wallpaperdog.com
