Venus Rising

The Rise of Women 

Women have long being seen and treated with secondary importance in societies for a long while.  Recently the voice of the women in current Iran has become louder for the reasons that saw control and abuse of them. 

In contrast, Persian women (Persia was the old name of Iran) were treated as equals and treated with much respect as their fellow men of old Persia.  The current situation of women badly treated plus all that economic woes thrust upon them would surely be reasons for them to speak up and speak out.  Without doubt,  the energies of Period 9 would be the catalystic energies to catapult Venus to rise.

What would all the men do as they see the women rise and emerge as an equal contender or a leader?  To still think that they can stay comfortable in their seats and rule the women to do their bidding, these men are certainly dreaming away.

The Iranian female revolt is what I think are the signs of changing times.  The rise of women will certainly not go away but will change the next 20 years.  For good or for bad, one can only judge or label.  Energy is just energy with no judgement nor discrimination.  Qi is just qi.

I believe that that Iranian female revolt will pave the way for a kind of sisterhood amongst women world wide.  Keep all that kitty cat fights off and the women folk should see their big causes met.

Tiger mums. tiger wives and tiger ladies..Roar and Rise.  I salute them all.

