The Oracle Speaks
Before the American software company, Oracle was founded, the ancient Chinese already had the Mother Earth Oracle which was used to give them optics for what could happen in the new year ahead. In ancient China, agriculture was what most commoners depended for a livelihood and using the wisdom of the Mother Earth Oracle was crucial to one's success which also included the community.
So during this last month of the Ox before the new Chinese year is welcomed, I shall share with you what we can expect given the wisdom of the Mother Earth Oracle.
For 2024, these are the Chinese characters spoken by the Mother Earth Oracle:
诗曰:太岁甲辰年,(in the Wood Dragon year)
稻麻一半空。春夏遭淹没,秋冬流不通。(rice and hemp fields are half empty)
鲁地桑叶好,吴邦谷不丰。(in places of Lu, the mulberry leaves are good, in places of Wu, the grains are not prosperous)
桑弃末后贵,相贺好天虫。(the mulberry price is highest after the season and is celebrated by all the good silkworm)
估卖价例贵,雪冻在三冬。(prices of goods are high and snow freezes in the winter.
There will be disruptions coming our way caused by climatic and weather changes. Thus, the crops will be affected which in turn will affect our supplies. We will see a continued period of inflation or possibly stagflation even into the cold winter months of 2024.
Take heed and prepare yourself if you need to. We saw similar conditions in 2023 as they will continue in 2024.
Photo credit to: Eric Muhr, Unsplash